By providing these data, you accept the treatment of them in accordance with the LOPD and the general conditions and privacy policy contained in this LEGAL NOTICE.
General information and identification of the website’s owner: is the web page belonging to Silvia Ayuso Marin with DNI (Spanish ID) 50436525D, residing in Madrid and whose e-mail address is: [email protected]
The purpose of the website is to supply, to clients and interested persons, information related to activities and services offered by SILVIA AYUSO; to manage information requests, as well as to provide information to our clients about our products, services, offers and promotions that may be of interest to them.
Terms of use:
With this website, SILVIA AYUSO tries to provide a useful service, so any suggestions from the users are welcome. In case you don’t agree with any of the conditions included in this warning, you will have to stop using this website. The access to it implies that the user accepts the conditions without reservations.
The following established conditions regulate the allowed use of
1. Access to this web page is public.
2. Modifications of the web page and interruptions or errors in access. reserves the power to execute, at any moment and without need of notification, modifications and updates of the information contained in the web page, of its settings, presentation and its access conditions.
3. Contents and linked pages
The information included in this website is merely informative. SILVIA AYUSO’s policy is to try to always have updated contents, but this may not always be the case.
The function of the links in the webpage is exclusively to inform users and clients about the existence of other sources of information about the matter elsewhere on the Internet, where they could extend or complete the offered data in this page. SILVIA AYUSO won’t be responsible for the obtained result through the mentioned links.
In any case SILVIA AYUSO doesn’t assume responsibility derived from the linked contents from her webpage, neither guarantees an absence of virus or other elements in them that could cause alterations in the computer system (hardware and software), the documents or the files of the user, excluding any responsibility for damages of any kind caused to the user for that reason.
4. Personal data protection
Personal data linked to this web respect the requirements of the European Data Protection Law (UE) 2016/679 of the European and Council Parliament of the 27th of April 2016 related to the protection of physical persons with respect to the treatment of personal data and free circulation of these data (RGPD).
SILVIA AYUSO will treat the personal data collected through this website complying with the regulations of the European Data Protection Law and the current Spanish regulation on data protection. This way, the data submission by the interested party is absolutely voluntary and duly announced.
In particular, the data provided through the website will be treated to manage the contact or the consultation, as well as to manage information requests, to inform our contacts about our products, services, offers or promotions of interest to them. The mentioned information could be sent via the following media: e-mail, WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube Channel, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media or portals. The provided personal data will be conserved while needed to manage the contact, the query, or whenever this information is required for the services offered by SILVIA AYUSO.
Processing Legitimacy
The processing legitimacy of your data is the consent you provide by sending the contact form or the query. 
Communication of data
The data derived from contacts and consultations will not be communicated to third parties.
Rights of the interested parties:
Any person has the right to obtain confirmation informing them if SILVIA AYUSO is using their personal data. The interested people have the right to access their personal data and to obtain a copy of the treated personal data, to update them, as well as to require rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, to ask for its elimination when, among other reasons, the data were not necessary anymore for the purposes for which they were collected. Under certain circumstances previewed in Article 18 RGPD, interested parties may request a limitation of the processing of their data, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims. As a consequence of the application of the right to suppress or oppose the processing of personal data in the online environment, the interested parties have the right of forgetfulness according to the jurisprudence of the EU Court of Justice. Those interested may object to the processing of their data for marketing purposes.
You can exercise your rights by providing a copy of your ID:
–Through an e-mail addressed to: [email protected]
Filing a claim: if you consider that your rights haven’t been duly treated, you have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Agency of Data Protection, whose contact information is:
Telephone numbers: 901 100 099  /
Postal Address: C/ Jorge Juan, 6 28001-Madrid
Electronic Headquarters:
Web page:
5. Intellectual Property
The rights of intellectual property of the articles published by SILVIA AYUSO belong to the articles’ respective authors.
6. Responsibilities
SILVIA AYUSO won’t be, in any case, responsible for damages and losses of any kind arising, direct or indirectly, from the lack or reading of this warning or from the non-compliance with the obligations specified in its established conditions. Likewise, in accordance with the exposed conditions, SILVIA AYUSO excludes any responsibility for damages and losses of any kind that, out of her effective control, could be caused by the transmission, diffusion, storage, disposal, reception, obtaining or access to the web page or its contents.
7. Applicable Law
The present Legal Notice is governed in each and every one of its extremes by the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European and Council Parliament of April 27, 2016 related to the protection of natural persons regarding the processing of personal data and the free circulation of these data (RGPD) and by Law 34/2002, of July 11, of the information society and electronic commerce services and, in general, by the Spanish Legislation.
8. Cookies Policy
A cookie (or computer cookie) is a small piece of information sent by a website and stored in the user’s browser, so that the website can check the user’s previous activity. Its main functions are:
Keep track of users: when a user enters their username and password, a cookie is stored so that they do not have to be entering them for each page of the server. However, a cookie does not identify only one person, but a combination of computer-browser-user.
Get information about the user’s browsing habits.
Cookies can be deleted, accepted or blocked as desired, for this it can only be conveniently configured in the web browser uses its own, and third´s party cookies.